Friday, 12 February 2016

Cluster mode Snapmirror

Source Volume and Destination Volume should have the same Language!
Source Volume is RW type. Destination Volume is DP type.

1. create a schedule (to be used for the updates of the vault relationship)
job schedule cron create -name midday -hour 11 -minute 0
2. create a policy for source vserver to keep snapshots of the volume
snapshot policy create -vserver vs1 -policy vault -enabled true -schedule1 daily -count1 6 -prefix1 daily -snapmirror-label1 daily
3. create a policy for destination vserver
snapmirror policy create -vserver vs2 -policy vs2-vault-policy
4. add a rule to the destination policy to specify the retention
snapmirror policy add-rule -vserver vs2 -policy vs2-vault-policy -snapmirror-label daily -keep 20
5. create peer relationship
vserver peer create -vserver vs1 -peer-vserver vs2 -applications snapmirror
6. create a snapmirror relation of type XDP
snapmirror create -source-path vs1:vol1 -destination-path vs2:vol12 -type XDP -policy vs2-vault-policy -schedule midday
7. initialize
snapmirror initialize -destination-path vs2:vol12
8. run show
snapmirror show

Please leave your comments.. That would be helpful, Thanks for reading.

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