Friday 12 February 2016

netapp clustermode debug (debug vreport)

Aggregate troubleshooting with debug vreport
If there is an inconsistency between VLDB and WAFL on a local node,
you can fix that with “debug”
Create an aggregate in the nodeshell
This aggregate will be known in WAFL but not in VLDB
cl1::*> node run -node cl1-01
Type ‘exit’ or ‘Ctrl-D’ to return to the CLI
cl1-01> options nodescope.reenabledcmds “aggr=create,destroy,status,offline,online”
cl1-01> aggr create aggrwafl 5
Creation of an aggregate with 5 disks has completed.
Create an aggregate in the clustershell and remove it from WAFL.
This aggregate will then be known in VLDB but removed from WAFL.
cl1::>aggr create rdbaggr -diskcount 5 -node cl1-01
cl1::> node run -node cl1-01
Type ‘exit’ or ‘Ctrl-D’ to return to the CLI
cl1-01> aggr offline rdbaggr
Aggregate ‘rdbaggr’ is now offline.
cl1-01> aggr destroy rdbaggr
Are you sure you want to destroy this aggregate? y
Aggregate ‘rdbaggr’ destroyed.
cl1-01> exit
Run dbug vreport.
cl1::> set diag
cl1::*> debug vreport show
aggregate Differences:
Name Reason Attributes
——– ——- —————————————————
Present in WAFL Only
Node Name: cl1-01
Aggregate UUID: 8e836c6d-76a0-4202-bb40-22694424f847
Aggregate State: online
Aggregate Raid Status: raid_dp
rdbaggr Present in VLDB Only
Node Name: cl1-01
Aggregate UUID: d7cfb17e-a374-43c6-b721-debfcf549191
Aggregate State: unknown
Aggregate Raid Status:
2 entries were displayed.
Fix VLDB ( aggregate will be added to VLDB )
cl1::debug*> debug vreport fix -type aggregate -object aggrwafl(8e836c6d-76a0-4202-bb40-22694424f847)
Fix VLDB ( aggregate will be removed from VLDB )
cl1::debug*> debug vreport fix -type aggregate -object rdbaggr
cl1::debug*> debug vreport show 
This table is currently empty.
Info: WAFL and VLDB volume/aggregate records are consistent.


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